miércoles, 6 de enero de 2010

Stones and fountains

I wanna look trough you,

walk into the stormy clouds of your mind,

lick the questions of whether you love me or not.

I wanna grow down the trees of wisdom,

the revolving wisdom of your smile.

I wanna seek runnin’ dogs all over nobody’s land.

I wanna lit the room of yours with a candle made from ice

unveiling the blue shape of some damn past green days.

I need to count the details of your hair to become human,

and so, stop acting my role of time prayer.

Come to me, my little

talk your language from the fourth moon

show anything I could possibly crave

and make me crave your hills and mountains

Your stones and fountains.

3 comentarios:

  1. vaya! no sabia que te hubieras hecho un blog! me alegro por ti xq este mundo de la creacion literaria es sencillamente otro mundo. te adjunto el comentario que te he puesto a este poema en tejiendo mundos: es mazo psicodelico, parece la letra de una canción de pink floid.pero me ha gustado, especialmente la ultima estrofa.
